
Evidential mediumship development classes and workshops

Learn the latest world class techniques for best practice in intuitive, psychic and evidential mediumship development.

In my sessions you will learn grounded, rational, pragmatic and credible techniques for developing world class evidential mediumship.

This will enable you to fully embrace and elevate your own natural intuitive, psychic and mediumship capabilities.

“Best practice evidential mediumship goes above and beyond random snippets of information to attain transformational re-connection and communication.

We will connect with the deceased we have known and our spiritual network in the afterlife. This will reshape our concept of consciousness and reality and inspire us to live life with a greater purpose.

Evidential mediumship provides re-enchantment with our material lives, which can be uplifting and generate resilience and further purpose in our lives.

We also experience the miraculous engagement of our loved ones and learn from their journey of discovery in the afterlife.

—Avril Johnston-Craig

Start your journey!

Let me facilitate your authentic quest for discovery, enlightenment and enchantment!

  • No spiritual or religious beliefs are required
  • All belief systems are embraced
  • This course is appropriate for you whether you are:
    • Just curious and seeking perspective
    • Ready to start or progress your journey
    • Experienced and ready to grow

Discover the impact of mediumship on your life. Register for a weekly class or monthly workshop today.

Avril’s Experience

Avril has an international reputation for public and private demonstrations of evidential mediumship. She works with individuals and businesses to develop evidential, intuitive, psychic and mediumistic abilities.

With over 20 years of mediumship experience, Avril shares her learnings as an education tutor for the Spiritualists’ National Union. Avril demonstrates in Spiritualist Churches and reputable global mediumship gatherings across Australia, the UK, Europe, Canada and the US. She has been a regular guest medium for The Sunday Gathering, hosted from the US. She has also served on Spiritualist church boards in Australia.

Avril continues to train under a number of reputable mediums across the globe. She is currently undergoing accreditation with the Spiritualists’ National Union in the UK in both mediumship and healing disciplines.

Avril’s Story

I wasn’t born a medium. As a child and a teenager I was extremely sensitive towards others and my environment. In my twenties, I was actively questioning the meaning of life.

“As I reached my twenties, I was actively questioning the meaning of life.”

—Avril Johnston-Craig

As I pursued my honours in Psychology from St. Andrew’s University in Scotland and later an Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, I experienced transcendental states and energies. I also experienced transcendental states as a semi professional dancer and aerobic instructor. I ran a hobby business teaching aerobics and dance for twenty-five years, alongside a professional career and raising a family.

Serious health and financial constraints then created a need for re-invention of esoteric activities in addition to my career aspirations. This re-invention and transformation was the ultimate challenge and took me to the limits of my abilities and faith in life’s purpose and meaning.

I often felt critical about being overly-sensitive, however I now know that my sensitivity contributes to my intuitive, psychic and mediumistic abilities.

A professional colleague dragged me into The College of Parapsychology in Edinburgh for an evening of mediumistic demonstration.

I found the demonstration of mediumship credible and interesting, however, I could not understand what I had experienced. When I attended several other demonstrations, I received contact containing information that the medium could not possibly have known. My interest was piqued.

I started to attend the Portobello Spiritualist Church regularly and was asked after a few months to join the closed development circle. Although I had no aspiration to become a medium, I was fascinated by mediumship and the philosophy of Spiritualism demonstrated at this church, where I found a new family.

In 2011, I moved to Brisbane, Australia and started to demonstrate on the local church platforms and conducted private readings for the churches.

This continued alongside my professional career at The University of Queensland until 2020. Throughout the pandemic I was able to extend my development and education in mediumship online with many renowned world class mediums. I also undertook accreditation with the Spiritualists’ National Union in the UK in demonstrating mediumship and Spiritualist healing. I continue my studies today.

I believe this is a field worth dedicating my life and my career towards. It is a dynamic and fast evolving field in which I feel privileged to be able to serve.

“I firmly believe that mediumship will continue to evolve as will our scientific and academic understanding of mediumistic phenomena. I hope that you will discover and uncover what mediumship can bring to your life.”

—Avril Johnston-Craig
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